Friday 5 December 2008

Worldwide painting that won't cost the Earth!

Welcome to MEK's Workshop the new world-wide army building and painting service based in Essex uk.

"I'd love a painted army so that I dont have to worry about the stress of getting it prepared for the tournament at 3am the night before!"
"My painting isn't up to a standard that matches my high expectations, i'd love a nicely painted army but i just dont have the money!"
"My army is all but finished but i'd love a professionally painted model to lead my army and give it that extra bit of flare!"
"I want a new army but I cant bare to glue my fingers together again!"

I'm sure that these are questions that we've asked many times to ourselves (I know I used to) and then thought that geting someone to paint an army for us would be far too costly, well here at Mek's Workshop we believe that it's time for a change which is why we're offering a paint service thats not only excellent quality but fantastic price and a speedy turn around.

At Mek's Workshop we offer stand alone army painting right through to customised army building at a fration of the cost of what you may expect to pay, this is due to our ability to turn your orders around FAST along with our simple standard brackets:

"Spray and Play" - Our fastest service which comprises of a miniature(s) undercoated, painted and highlighted 1 main colour and details picked out.

"High Tabletop" - Slightly slower service which comprises of a miniature(s) undercoated, painted and highlighted multiple colours along with details being painted to a higher standard.

"Pro" - Our slowest service but with the highest quality, this covers a miniature(s) undercoated, painted, multi layer highlighting and multiple colours, green stuffing and customisation and details painted and highlighted. Ideal for that "special model" we all have in our armies.

We are now taking orders so please e-mail us at for a free quote, simply telling us if you will send us your models or you want us to build an army to your specifications along with the painting standard you are interested in, all orders recieved over £30 before January 31 2009 will receive a 10% discount


Cookie said...

This place is the best, they built, sprayed and painted a whole army for me, and the quality is brilliant.

Im going to use this site again.

Unknown said...

Hi Marc,

I'm getting very worried now as it's been a long time since I heard anything and I really just want my models back - I feel that I've been very patient and I do appreciate your situation but I have also had terrible experiences with painters before and them going AWOL with my figures. If I don't hear anything back I will have to talk to the small claims court for public affairs and get my stuff back via that route. I don't want this to happen as I think you're a good guy but ultimately I paid for a service and my figures and I don't have anything to show for it at the moment.

Please contact me on asap

